Buyer Persona Infographic
How to Create Insightful and Actionable Buyer Personas
Many buyer personas lack the breadth and depth of insight that is needed to establish the persona as an authority on the decisions marketers need to make. So nothing changes.
An insight, by definition, reveals new information. It’s something you don’t already know. It’s only through a real-time dialogue, through listening to each buyer’s story and posing questions based on their answers, that you can ferret out new insights: What triggers the buyer’s engagement, his barriers to purchase, or which criteria the buyer uses to evaluate competing solutions – to name just a few of the insights that actionable buyer personas reveal.
Buyer personas based on surveys or existing data are built in an echo chamber where the same theses are endlessly repeated.
We created this infographic to make it easy for marketers to explain buyer persona best practices to others. Thank you for sharing it with as many people as possible.